Guest Parking at Sha Tin College
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Further to site inspections by the Land’s Department in March and April this year, ESF have been instructed by EDB to ensure full compliance with the lease for the Sha Tin College & Sha Tin Junior School site. As such the number of car parking spaces available for use has been reduced to 19.
Please be aware that our security team cannot allow additional cars onto the site to ensure we remain compliant at all times. Please make particular note of this limited parking availability during parent teacher conferences and during student performance evenings where previous practice has been to allow many cars onto the site to alleviate parking congestion in the neighbourhood.
Enforcement of this may be especially challenging for our security team. Please be understanding in your interactions with them during their duty in managing appropriate car numbers on site.
Your support as always is much appreciated.
Kind regards,
Carol Larkin