Parent, Teacher, Student Association (PTSA)


The Parent, Teacher, Student Association has three main aims:

  • to provide opportunities for parents to take an active part in the life of the school
  • to promote close cooperation between parents, students and teachers for the general welfare of the students
  • to assist in funding additional facilities, events and activities for the school.

Using our representation on the School Council and the Joint Committee of ESF PTAs we can ensure that the views of the STC PTSA are highlighted.

Committee Members

Chair: Thomas Lam
Vice Chair: N/A
Hon. Secretary: Annie Yi
Hon. Treasurer: Karen Zhang
Principal: Carol Larkin
Parent Reps: Angie Chu, Winky Chan, Claudia Chen, Leilei Gao, Michelle Kwok, Vivian Li, Elke Tang, Yuying Tong
Teacher Reps: Jane Parry, Danielle Yang

Committee Meetings

The PTSA Committee meets regularly. Agenda items include the Principal’s Report and PTSA Accounts. PTSA meetings provide a channel whereby parents/guardians can express opinions and raise concerns. If you have issues you would like raised at the PTSA meeting, please e-mail and a committee member will contact you.

Annual PTSA Membership Fee

The annual membership fee is $200 per family. It is a requirement for all families to pay the annual membership fee to the PTSA in accordance with the Articles of Association. All membership fees are non-returnable.

Funded Projects

The PTSA funds a wide range of activities and student events including various social and educational events throughout the school year. For more information on some of these projects please visit the PTSA Facebook page here.

PTSA Committee – Documents

STC PTSA Committee - Nomination Form

STC PTSA Election Proceedings

STC PTSA Committee - Office Bearer Roles & Responsibilities

STC PTSA Committee Code of Conduct

STC PTSA PIC Statement

Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Sha Tin College PTA Limited

AGM – Documents

2022 PTSA AGM Minutes

STC PTSA Audited Accounts 2022-2023

STC PTA Formal Notice of AGM - October 2022

Sha Tin College PTSA - Transition to Association, FAQ, Constitution