• ESF message

    Reminder: ESF App and Annual Rollover

    Reminder: ESF App and Annual Rollover Dear Parents and Guardians, We hope this reminder finds you well and that you're enjoying a wonderful summer break. As part of our commitment to data security and maintaining accurate records, we would like to remind you about the upcoming annual rollover process for the ESF App. Key Points: Annual Rollover: The annual rollover is a standard procedure where we update user accounts, review permissions, and ensure that our systems are up-to-date. This process helps us maintain the integrity of our communication channels. Data Security Measures: We take data security seriously. By logging everyone out, we can verify account details, remove any inactive or outdated profiles, and enhance overall security. Rest assured that your data remains confidential and protected. Downloading Reports and ePortfolio: If you are transitioning from one ESF school to another, or are leaving the ESF community, you are requested to download your child/children's reports on or before the 31st of July 2024.   What To Expect: Auto Log Out: On Monday, 5th of August 2024 we will be logging out all parents, staff and students from the ESF App. Re-login: You can log back in using your registered email address on or after the 6th of August. If you encounter any issues, your school IT support team will be available to assist you. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. We appreciate your understanding as we work to maintain a secure and efficient communication platform for our school communities. Best regards, ESF Centre IT Team Disclaimer: This email is for informational purposes only. If you have any concerns or questions, please reach out to your school office. We value your privacy and strive to provide a safe digital environment for all users.

  • ESF message

    Reminder: Confirmation of School Place and Advance Fees for 2024/25 – ESF School

    Reminder: Confirmation of School Place and Advance Fees for 2024/25 – ESF School Dear Parents Further to our letter in May 2024, please be reminded that advance payment of September’s school fee will be debited to your designated bank account on 1 August 2024. Please ensure that there are sufficient funds in the account. If you have already paid the fee or are exempted from the payment*, please accept our thanks and disregard this reminder. To see the details of advance fees for the students in the following year groups next academic year (2024/25), please click here to view the letter. The advance payment will be used to offset tuition fees for September 2024. If there is a revision of fees in the next academic year, the difference will be payable in September 2024.  *The following parents are exempted from making advance payment of September’s fees as school places for their children are already reserved: A parent whose child is currently attending Year 6 and has secured a Year 7 place in any ESF schools for 2024/25 already; or whose child is newly enrolled to an ESF school to start in August 2024, including those who will attend Year 1 and Year 7; or who is a civil servant and receiving “local education allowance” (LEA) from the HKSAR Government; or who has already paid the Refundable Capital Levy (RCL) of HK$25,000 and the levy is still on the account. If you have any questions, please contact us via email: billing@esfcentre.edu.hk
      Yours sincerely

    Billing Section
    English Schools Foundation

  • Media Team

    NEW Student Media Team Newsletter & Podcast

    Dear Shatin College Community,  We are proud to present our Media Team Throwback Newsletter for this school year. In our newsletter, you will be able to look back on the most memorable events of the past year covered by the Media Team. We hope you enjoy reading this just as much as we enjoyed creating it.  We're also delighted to release our first podcast in which William Muller interviews Rie Wong and Kelly Choy about their experience of studying for GCSE exams. You can access the podcast using the links below. Please note that you will need to be logged in to YouTube using your school account to view these videos.

    Podcast part 1 Podcast part 2 Jaysie Dang,  On behalf of the Student Media Team  

    Matt WISBEY

  • ESF Message

    Limitless Programme: Six Life-Changing Weeks for Y9 Students

    Dear Parent Next year, your child will be moving into Y9 at their ESF school. This is exciting for many reasons, none more so than the fact that this is the year that they become eligible for our Limitless programme. Limitless is something that is quite unique to ESF. For six weeks, the students who join the programme depart Hong Kong for a life in the Australian Outback. While there, they will undertake a whole range of activities designed to help boost their confidence and their independence – while also helping them to build up their resilience and to be an effective team player. They undergo a complete break from the internet, their devices and technology more generally. For six weeks, it is all about learning from and living with their peers from across all of our ESF schools. The current group of Y9s are on the Limitless programme right now. You can find out more about how and what they are doing by visiting the blog that the teachers who are also on the trip are maintaining. We will be in touch with you again after the Summer break to give you more details about Limitless. We will be hosting assemblies in schools – and also some information evenings for parents. This will be a chance to tell you more about this life-changing opportunity for your child. Have a great Summer Rob Shorthouse
    Director of Communications

  • ESF message

    Important Notice: ESF App and Annual Rollover

    Important Notice: ESF App and Annual Rollover Dear Parents and Guardians, We hope this email finds you well. As we approach the end of the academic year, we would like to inform you about an essential process that will take place in the ESF App. In our commitment to ensuring data security and maintaining accurate records, we will be logging all users out of the app as part of our annual rollover process. Key Points: Annual Rollover: The annual rollover is a standard procedure where we update user accounts, review permissions, and ensure that our systems are up-to-date. This process helps us maintain the integrity of our communication channels. Data Security Measures: We take data security seriously. By logging everyone out, we can verify account details, remove any inactive or outdated profiles, and enhance overall security. Rest assured that your data remains confidential and protected. Downloading Reports and ePortfolio: If you are transitioning from one ESF school to another, or are leaving the ESF community, you are requested to download your child/children's reports on or before the 31st of July 2024.   What To Expect: Auto Log Out: On Monday, 5th of August 2024 we will be logging out all parents, staff and students from the ESF App. Re-login: You can log back in using your registered email address on or after the 6th of August. If you encounter any issues, your school IT support team will be available to assist you. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. We appreciate your understanding as we work to maintain a secure and efficient communication platform for our school communities. Best regards, ESF Centre IT Team Disclaimer: This email is for informational purposes only. If you have any concerns or questions, please reach out to your school office. We value your privacy and strive to provide a safe digital environment for all users.

  • United Magazine

    The 11th edition of United Magazine is ready for viewing.

    The online version of the 11th edition of United Magazine, Sha Tin College's student-run bilingual magazine, is now ready for viewing. The theme for this year is "Morality".  The student team of writers and artists has worked tirelessly to curate a collection that not only reflects but also challenges our understanding of the moral complexities within our society.  The web link is https://unitedmagazine.squarespace.com  A hard copy will be placed in the library.    Happy Reading! The United Magazine Team of 2023-2024

    Danielle YANG

  • Student Health

    Dear students, The student health service appointment letters have been collected from the Department of Health for students who signed up for the service. The first appointment date is 2.7.2024. For those who have enrolled, a letter will be given by the tutor this week. For Year 11 and 13 students, the letters will be available at reception for collection by either the student or a parent / guardian.  Please be reminded to write your name and sign on a collection form upon collecting the letters.

    If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience. Thank you. Best regards,
    Nurse Scarlett

    Scarlett LAM

  • ESF message

    Confirmation of School Place and Advance Fees For 2024/25 – ESF Schools

    Confirmation of School Place and Advance Fees for 2024/25 - ESF Schools Dear Parents As we approach the end of the school year, we are writing to let you know the procedure to confirm your child’s place for 2024/25. If you will be withdrawing your child and have submitted the Withdrawal Notice to your school, please ignore this letter. Every year, parents need to reserve a school place for their child for the following year by making an advance payment of September’s fees as a surety. The following parents are exempted from making advance payment as school places for their children are already reserved: A parent whose child is currently attending Year 6 and has secured a Year 7 place in any ESF schools for 2024/25 already; or whose child is newly enrolled to an ESF school to start in August 2024, including those who will attend Year 1 and Year 7; or who is a civil servant and receiving “local education allowance” (LEA) from the HKSAR Government; or who has already paid the Refundable Capital Levy (RCL) of HK$25,000 and the levy is still on the account. Advance Payment Advance payment for 2024/25 are as follows: Primary Years 2 to 6 HK$12,620 Secondary Years 8 to Year 9 HK$16,710 Secondary Years 10 to 11 HK$14,540 Secondary Years 12 to 13 HK$15,290   The advance payment will be used to offset tuition fees for September 2024. If there is a revision of fees in the next academic year, the difference will be payable in September 2024. Please note that your child’s school place will not be confirmed if we do not receive your advance fees before the payment due date or if there are any outstanding tuition fees on the account without prior arrangements at the beginning of the next academic year.   Settlement The advance payment will be debited from your designated bank account on 1 August 2024. Please ensure that there are sufficient funds in the account. If you have not set up the direct debit authorisation, please complete the Direct Debit Authorisation Form and send it back to English Schools Foundation, G.P.O. Box 11284, Hong Kong by 1 June 2024 as it takes up to six weeks for the bank to process the direct debit. If your monthly tuition fees are being settled by your employer directly, please make the payment by cheque on or before 15 July 2024: Click here to download and complete the Cheque Payment Slip Send the cheque payment slip together with a crossed cheque made payable to “The English Schools Foundation” to “G.P.O. Box 11284, Hong Kong”on or before 15 July 2024. Post-dated cheques are not accepted.   Student Withdrawals If you are withdrawing your child at the end of this academic year, please submit the student withdrawal notice via the ESF App by 1 June 2024. Otherwise, we will assume that your child is returning after summer and parents are liable for the tuition fees for September 2024 even if the student does not return to school. Should you have any queries regarding the above, please contact our Billing Team at billing@esfcentre.edu.hk We would like to thank you for your cooperation on this matter, and we wish your child every success in 2024/25.   Yours sincerely Vivian Cheung                             Julie Wong
    Chief Financial Officer              ESF Head of Admissions