Year 12 Higher Education Information Evening
Dear Parents and Guardians,
(Thursday 7th March, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.)
We would like to invite you and your son/daughter to and let you know more about the forthcoming Higher Education (HE) information evening on 7th March. As students progress through the senior school, questions and concerns related to how and when to apply to universities increase. The challenge of getting ‘the best’ HE placements seems to cause considerable stress for many families each year.
Firstly, we would like to emphasise that our aim is to support students in finding and gaining places in ‘the best’ programmes for them. In addition to the preliminary guidance through the GTS programme in Years 9-11, we have held many HE Meetings that have hopefully encouraged students to begin thinking about further studies. We hope that this has triggered some discussion about ‘where’ and ‘what’ regarding future decisions. We have also had several lunch-time sessions with university visitors to provide more detailed guidance on the mechanics of applying to various countries and particular universities.
Starting from now until the end of the summer term, each student will have an individual consultation with a Careers/HE Counsellor and there will also be two days of school time dedicated to the HE process straight after the mock examinations in June. This is all planned to ensure that they are on track with their research and are ready for the application process before they return to begin their studies in Year 13.
With regards to the information evening, we will provide an overview of our support programme and address some general questions that parents might have regarding the university application process. Additionally, we will have smaller group meetings to discuss details about our most popular HE destinations (U.K., U.S.A., Canada, Hong Kong and Australia).
The format of the evening is as follows:
6.30 – 6.40 p.m. Welcome and Introduction – Ms Parry, Head of Senior School (Main Hall)
6:40 – 7:00 p.m. Overview and Focus of STC HE Support Programme – Mr Stott, Head of Careers & Higher Education (Main Hall)
7:00 – 7:25 p.m. Advice/Information Session 1 (Various Rooms/Speakers)
7.30 – 7:55 p.m. Advice/Information Session 2 (Various Rooms/Speakers)
8.00 – 8.30 p.m. Information Tables and Informal Q & A (Main Hall)
During destination advice meetings, families will have an opportunity to hear and ask questions about the specific application process for each major destination. The format of these sessions will be a brief presentation followed by a question/answer session. Most of these will be led by a member of the school and we have also invited guests from outside the school to help answer questions.
Information will include:
- Key factors for choosing degrees/institutions in this country
- Details of the system(s) used for applying
- Issues of citizenship, cost, etc. as relevant
To help ensure that rooming is suitably arranged, we would be grateful if you would complete and return the reply form below to indicate whether or not you will be attending the evening and how many people from your family will attend particular country information sessions.
We would like to conclude by emphasising that while this event is an important part of our parent-school communication regarding your son/daughter’s progress towards their future, we encourage you to contact us with questions or concerns at any time by e-mail or by phone.
We look forward to seeing many of you on 7th March 2019.
Kind regards,
David Stott Gigi Lam
Head of Careers and Higher Education Higher Education Counsellor
*** Please note that Year 12 students are welcome to attend ***