11 Jan 2019

Y9 IGCSE and GCSE Options Sign-up

Dear Y9 Parents and Guardians,

On Wednesday 9th January, Y9 students were off timetable during Periods 1 and 2 in order to attend an extended assembly to introduce them to the various IGCSE and GCSE options. The assembly provided students with a better understanding of the various courses on offer at Sha Tin College. Students have had the opportunity to reflect on the assembly with their form tutor and ask questions. The Y10-Y11 Curriculum Brochure was also distributed to students and tutors at the end of this assembly.

Please do make time to talk with your son / daughter after the assembly and discuss the contents of the Brochure with them. The Brochure is available as a soft copy (PDF format) on the school website here (https://shatincollege.edu.hk/curriculum-handbooks/).

The Gateway is now open for students to register their subject selections for 2019-2021 (please see page 60 of the Curriculum Brochure). Please see the attached documents for instruction for parents/guardians to confirm their child’s subject choices. The deadline for doing this is Tuesday 29th January 2019.

I hope that the extended assembly and Curriculum Brochure help to stimulate discussions between students, their parents and teachers in order to help our students make well-informed decisions about the next phase in their education.

With best wishes,


Paul Hoang

Vice Principal



IGCSE Student Option Process – Parent Instructions

IGCSE Student Option Process – Student Instructions