24 Sep 2014

Swimming Gala 2014

Swimming Gala, naturally, is one of the core events of our school year (as any temporary abandonment of academics would be). It’s a time only paralleled by Sports Day, when we have our first big school even – a chance to lose our voices to the feeling of sandpaper in our throats by supporting our houses, compete, dance, sing, but most of all have fun (and shamelessly Instagram all of it).

This year, the atmosphere was electrifying with energy pulsating throughout the stands. Having somewhat pathetic eyesight, most of what I could see was a sectional sea of red, yellow, green and blue blobs jumping around and throwing pom poms up into the air excitedly. But what I did perceive with absolute clarity, was the noise- ‘from the east to the west’ you could hear ‘dragon, ROAR’, ‘p-h-e-o-n-i-x’ and ‘cheer for PEGASUS’ resounding amongst the songs that couldn’t have drowned us out even if they wanted to! Each house seemed to radiate with house spirit, though being a current Dragon student leader, I do have a clear bias on which house I was most impressed by! All four houses also brought their a-game with their cheerleading, with nothing less than ‘wow’.



For Dragon though, I can say the entire day paled in comparison to the very end, when the results were announced. A very close call as all the houses were impeccable, but for us it was really an explosion of joy, screaming, laughing, hugging and even some tears!

Kasia Cheng 12D1