Sha Tin College and Junior School Fair – Donations
Dear Parents and Guardians,
The Sha Tin College & Junior School Fair is an annual fundraising and community event jointly sponsored by Sha Tin College PTSA and Sha Tin Junior PTA. The funds raised are used to support student activities, improve school environment and contribute to the local society community through a number of charitable donations. Parents, teachers, school staff and students are working hard behind the scenes to make this event a success.
Our theme this year is Chinese New Year! Don’t forget to mark your family’s calendar for Friday, 18th January, 2019.
We invite you to come and help in any of the following ways:
Please complete the form above and submit it either to Sha Tin College PTSA (Fax: 2695 0592, or Sha Tin Junior PTA (Fax: 2697 4070, Cheques can be sent to the respective school’s PTA Coordinators. We will contact you closer to the date and let you know when and how to drop off the other items, and details regarding volunteer arrangements.
We gratefully appreciate your generosity and support.
Warm Regards,
Haris James Stephanie Choy
Chair Person Chair Person