Part 2 Y9 options process 2015-16
Dear Parents/Guardians
The (i)GCSE options process is well underway for Y9 students. Students have been given a booklet titled ‘Options’ to help them understand this process in more depth. We would be extremely grateful if you could read this booklet and discuss the contents with your child.
We would like to invite you to an informal question and answer session on Wednesday 20th January in the Library from 5.00pm to 6.00pm.
The purpose of this meeting is to offer further guidance to parents as you may have more questions after having read the booklet or meeting with teaching staff at the Year 9 Parents’ evening on Tuesday 12th January. Our Higher Education Counsellors will also attend the meeting on Wednesday 20th January.
Please note that in the Options booklet, there is a form to complete when your child decides on their choices. These choices can then be entered into GATEWAY via an online sign up (the form can be accessed via the ‘Admin’ menu and then by selecting ‘Student Option’. The GATEWAY sign up will open on 20th January and needs to be completed by February 15th 2016.
The Options process in Year 9 is primarily intended to be a mechanism by which students are encouraged to reflect, evaluate and learn how to make decisions. The framework of the option choices has been designed to ensure that whatever curricular choices a student makes for Years 10 and 11, that their studies will always be balanced, and be excellent preparation for any further programme of study. It is therefore of paramount importance that students opt for subjects that interest them and that they think they will enjoy over the next two years.
We hope that this staged approach will lead to informed and confident decision making while stimulating discussions between students, their parents and teachers.