12 Jan 2018

January 2018 HE Event

Dear Parents and Students,

We are writing to inform you of some forthcoming events that may be of interest to you and your family.
Please see the list below and click on the provided links for more information/registration.
Please also note that we also have several HE meetings related to applying to various countries throughout Years 12 and 13 (please see the online school calendar for details), which we hope are helpful in supporting students’ research and decision-making.  Additionally, we have many university guestsvisiting to explain about higher education in their countries and their universities in more detail.  These are announced through posters, the direct emails to students and through morning tutor time.   Please ask your daughter/son about these meetings if you want further details.
As always, please feel free to contact the Careers Room Office (students can come by during break times and families can request appointments by email or via the student).  You are also welcome to email or phone us if you have any questions or concerns regarding your daughter’s/son’s decisions related to her/his potential careers and higher education pathways.
Kind regards,
Patrick Campbell – Head of Careers and Higher Education      David Stott – Careers/HE Counsellor
(pbc@shatincollege.edu.hk)                                                      (dzs@shatincollege.edu.hk)
Forthcoming Careers/HE Events in January: