15 Sep 2015

Invitation to Year 7 Parent Event


Dear Parents and Guardians,

Invitation to Year 7 Parent Event
Thanks so very much for taking time out of your busy day to join us at the College last Thursday evening.  It was terrific to meet you, and a really good opportunity for you to begin to know the team of people who are guiding and caring for your child. Ms Lucy Purves mentioned sharing her presentation with you, so here is the link: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1bfJwQy0bypVhJJIMWJGMfQzjz-s9mkD_BBw1082U8oU/edit?usp=sharing
My second purpose in writing to you is that we are hosting another evening for you.   This will be the first of several opportunities, all called ‘Parent Events’ which are in the school calendar for the 2015 – 2016 academic year.  Their purpose is to continue building our relationships, work towards our shared goals and communicate as much as possible, in person. 
The focus of this first evening is SLEEP.  As educators, we are continually learning more about the multi-dimensional aspects and functions of sleep, in addition to the important links between sleep and learning.  There are lots of ways we try to apply what we know to help our students and this is a chance for you to be part of the ongoing conversation.  
Do join us.  Here are the details:
Date: October 7
Venue: Senior School Centre (Room 238)
Time: 6: 00 – 7: 00 pm
RSVP: Please email Ms Allie Cho at allie.cho@shatincollege.edu.hk  by October 5 to confirm your attendance.
N.B.  Please remember there is no parking on campus and alternative transport is advised. 
We look forward to seeing you again.  If you have any questions about this event, or anything else in Year 7, please contact one of us via email or phone.
Warm regards
Christine Rowlands
Vice Principal 


Sha Tin College, No. 3 Lai Wo Lane, Fo Tan, Sha Tin. Tel: 2699-1811, Fax: 2695-0592
The English Schools Foundation | 25/F, 1063 King’s Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong