13 Mar 2016

Hitting for a Cause

Over one hundred students from Year 10 to 13 stayed overnight at school to participate in yet another 24-hour event – this time, badminton!

Together, the students played from 4pm on Friday the 11th to 4pm on Saturday the 12th, in the hopes of improving the lives of the less fortunate. Over $30,000 HKD was raised altogether, an achievement only made possible with the continued enthusiasm and support shown by the whole Sha Tin College community. Through the charity Concordia Welfare and Education Foundation, these funds go towards providing financial support in the construction of a technology block in a rural Chinese village – the aim being to promote a better and brighter future for the underprivileged children.

The physically draining, but memorable, event was concluded with a singles competition and a doubles competition. After countless heated rallies, the final winners were John Ho of 11X1 for the singles tournament, and Terence Chan of 12G1 and Tuoyuan Li of 12G2, for the doubles tournament.


Players take a much-deserved break.

“I had a lot of fun in 24 Hour Badminton, it was one of the best events I’ve attended in STC and I don’t want it to end!” exclaimed Sharon Lee of 10D2, “I also enjoyed playing badminton with lots of people across different year groups, it was a truly valuable experience.”

“It was an exhilarating, action-packed 24 hour event,” Michael Wong of 11X1 commented, “A very meaningful experience for students to truly enjoy themselves and relieve stress.”

A sincere thank you to Mr. Atkinson, teacher supervisors, and the student-led organising committee for their dedication and careful planning towards this thoroughly enjoyable event!

Melody Leung, 10X1