Y7 Parent Consultation Appointments
Dear Parents and Guardians,
I am writing with further information to help facilitate your schedule for the Year 7 Parent Consultation event on Thursday 24th November. Full instructions about how to make appointments were emailed to you earlier this week.
Please see the detailed floor plan attached to this letter which indicates the location of all subject teachers. Therefore, please use this as you are planning your appointments to ensure there is sufficient movement time between teachers and locations. We recommend a minimum of five minutes between appointments.
Please see below a list of the English and Maths teachers for each class who you will be able to make an appointment with. Please see your child’s timetable on Gateway to find out their class code for English and Maths.
English Teachers:
07En101 Miss. S Geraghty
07En102 Mr. I Melville
07En103 Mr. C Ortega
07En104 Ms. C Wong
07En105 Miss. S Geraghty
07En106 Mr. J Barton
07En107 Mr. P McMahon
07En108 Mrs. L Stein
Maths Teachers:
07MA101 Mr. M Astill
07MA102 Mr. K Yip
07MA103 Mr. C Imeson (not Ms M Brooks)
07MA104 Mr. C Baker
07MA105 Ms. M Bhatia
07MA106 Ms. M Brooks
Class 07MA107 Ms. J Letters (not Mr C Baker)
Class 07MA108 Mr. B Hagan
The Gateway can be accessed at the link https://sc.tg.esf.edu.hk. If you have any difficulties logging in to or using the Gateway, please email our support desk at gatewaysupport@shatincollege.edu.hk.
We look forward to seeing you on Thursday 24th November.
Kind Regards,
Ms. Lucie Purves Ms. Alison Marshall Ms. Sian Lewis
Lower School Head Head of Year 7 Deputy Head of Year 7