5 Oct 2018

Notice of Annual General Meeting

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Notice is hereby given regarding the Annual General Meeting of the Sha Tin College Parent Teacher Association Limited (the PTSA).

Please join us for an update of PTSA activities in the 2017-2018 academic year and to help elect the Executive Committee that will provide ongoing leadership to the association.

Date: Wednesday, 31 October 2018

Time: 6:00 PM

Location: Sha Tin College, Room 237 & 238, 3th Floor, Block 2


1.     Apologies

2.     Approval of the Minutes* of the Annual General Meeting dated 27 October 2017

3.     Matters Arising

4.     Chairman’s Report

5.     The Treasurer’s Report

6.     Principal’s remark for supporting the PTSA

7.     Q&A

8.     Election of Executive Committee

Nominations may be made on the Form AGM1* (see link below) and must be sent to the PTSA Office by 29 October 2018. The person nominated must consent to the nomination, by signing form or orally at the AGM.

Please RSVP to Mercy Hsieh, PTSA Coordinator by email mercy.hsieh@shatincollege.edu.hk

Best regards,

Stephanie Choy
Sha Tin College PTSA

Following the meeting, attendees will be invited to take refreshments.