18 Mar 2021

Zoom Session: Term 3 Year 11 programme of study

Dear Year 11 Parents

I hope this email finds you well.

Since my last update on 2 March, we have had further information from examination boards and are nearly in a position to share with you our proposed assessment schedule for Apr/May/June 2021.

At this point I am unable to publish the assessment calendar/Term 3 Year 11 programme of study. On Tuesday 23 March the exam boards will release the dates that we can deliver unseen material to ensure the integrity of assessments.

If this is received next Tuesday then I will have a draft to share with you next Thursday afternoon. With this date in mind, and in order to support you and your family in understanding the schedule, I would like to invite you to a zoom meeting on Thursday 25 March from 4 to 4.45pm. During this session you will have a chance to ask any questions you may have about the schedule, the nature of the assessments and the impact they will have on student grades.

You can find the zoom link shared earlier via the App to access the zoom session.

Once again I thank you for your patience during these unpredictable times.

If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me.

Best Regards

Kellie Fagan

Vice Principal Curriculum
