Year 7 MIDYIS tests
Next week Year 7 students will complete their MIDYIS tests. This is a standard testing procedure used in all the schools in ESF.
MIDYIS (Middle Years Information System) is a test produced by the CEM Centre at Durham University. It measures students’ potential and offers baseline data which adds to our knowledge of the students. The data provides some of the information we need to help build a picture of how our students learn, respond and achieve. By using this data carefully, we can design effective learning programs.
The test is online and requires a computer, so the test will be run in ICT lessons. It usually takes 30 to 45 minutes to complete. We want to emphasise that this is not a test for which students can revise or prepare. There is no reason for students to feel anxious, either. All instructions will be fully explained at the start and students will have a few practice questions before they begin each section. All questions are multiple choice.
The Year 7 students will complete their MIDYIS test in their ICT lesson on the following dates:
7D1 Friday 1st September Period 3 Richard Atkinson Room 334
7D2 Thursday 31st August Period 3 Alison Marshall Room 311
7G1 Friday 1st September Period 4 Alison Marshall Room 311
7G2 Tuesday 29th August Period 1 Richard Atkinson Room 334
7P1 Monday 28th August Period 1 Gareth Morgan Room 334
7P2 Wednesday 30th August Period 1 Alan Dickson Room 333
7X1 Tuesday 29th August Period 2 Gareth Morgan Room 334
7X2 Wednesday 30th August Period 2 Alan Dickson Room 334
The results will take a month or so to compile at Durham University. The results are standardised internationally as millions of children in over 70 countries will be taking these MIDYIS tests over the coming few weeks. When the results are available to us, we will post you a hard copy through the mail. A short video to explain how to interpret the results is on our school website for your benefit.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Yours faithfully,
Gareth Morgan
Senior Leader