21 Jan 2021

Year 11 Mock Exam and assessment schedule

Dear Year 11 Parents and Students

Next week, our Year 11 students will begin their mock examinations. They are only required in school during their scheduled examinations. A reminder to contact Ms Iris Wan (wanil1@stconline.edu.hk) this week if you have an examination clash. She will then reschedule the examination.

This week we have successfully completed our Year 13 mock examinations under COVID HK government guidelines. The Year 13 students were punctual, prepared and diligent in following regulations. I expect Year 11 to be no less committed to successfully completing their examinations in these unusual times.

Earlier this week, Year 11 students had an examination briefing. You can find the presentation, as well as the mock examination timetable on our school website:

Note that the examinations will begin each day at 2pm. This will allow STC to hold two school sessions, morning and afternoon, in line with CHP/HK government regulations. Students are to be on campus no more that 30 minutes before the start of their examination.

The table below summarises the anticipated assessment schedule for Year 11 for Jan/Feb/Mar/Apr 2021. Please note that these dates/assessments could change depending on examination boards and the COVID situation.

If you have any questions in regard to examinations/assessment do not hesitate to contact me.

Best Regards

Kellie Fagan

Vice Principal