26 Sep 2018

Y11 IB Options Process

Dear Y11 Parents and Guardians,

As you may know, Y11 students will soon be starting the options process for the various Post-16 pathways offered at Sha Tin College. Y11 students have already taken the online Morrisby test at the start of this term, along with other tools and content covered in GTS lessons, designed to open up and stimulate discussions about future study options and possible career pathways. We have found these to be very useful in helping students make informed decisions about their future.

I am writing to inform you of the upcoming events which have been planned to prepare Y11 students for the IB options process. On Thursday 27th September, Y11 students will be off timetable during Period 1 in to order attend an extended assembly to introduce them to the various IB Programmes and the associated Language, Mathematics and Science pathways. The assembly will also provide students with an understanding of the IB framework on which to base their choices. Students will have the opportunity to reflect on the assembly with their form tutor and ask questions. The Post-16 Brochure will also be distributed to students and tutors at the end of this assembly.

Please do make time to talk with your son / daughter after the assembly and discuss the contents of the Brochure with them. The Brochure is available as a soft copy (PDF format) on the school website here.

On Thursday 4th October, Mr. Smetherham (Alternative Curriculum Coordinator) will host a shorter assembly with our Y11 students to introduce the IB Career-related Programme (IBCP) and other curriculum pathways.

The Post-16 Exhibition Evening for Y11 students and parents/guardians will take place on Thursday 25th October from 5.00pm to 7.30pm. This is an opportunity to accompany your child to an exhibition in school which showcases all of the IB options and Post-16 pathways that we offer. The Post-16 Exhibition Evening provides an excellent forum in which to speak to staff and current IB students. Further details of this event will be sent out to you soon.

I hope that the upcoming events will stimulate discussions between students, their parents and teachers in order to help our students make well-informed decisions about the next phase in their education.

Kind regards,

Paul Hoang
Vice Principal