27 Nov 2020

Y11/13 January Mock Examinations – Update

Dear Y11 and Y13 Students and Parents


I hope this email finds you well.


In these extraordinary times, we have looked to produce a timetable that best serves our STC community and allows flexibility to reschedule if we need to do this.


I would like to share with you the context in which we find ourselves in scheduling face to face examinations under COVID conditions:


  • Under the current HK Health Dept. regulations our hall cannot be used to seat more than 140.
  • Examinations will need to be held in learning spaces across the school
  • Examinations are subject to HK government regulations including social distancing and possible school closures due to COVID


With these constraints in mind we are have drafted a number of possible timetables that best meet the following criteria:


  • Students have access to mock examinations in order to identify areas of challenge, set targets and work towards improved knowledge and understanding in subject areas.
  • STC seeks to conduct the examinations with the least disruption to the learning of other year groups across the school.
  • Under COVID uncertainties we need to be agile and ready, if necessary, to move examinations
  • As always we seek to address special individual examination considerations , and therefore create scheduled times within the timetable to allow for subject clashes and individual needs.


The chosen timetable will aim to allow for the following:

  • A shortened schedule that can be moved if necessary
  • An after school model that leaves the campus quiet and accessible across all rooms
  • Flexibility for examination clashes/individual needs
  • Time in Lieu for any Saturday that may be used
  • With the after school model, students will not be required in school unless they have an examination. No examination will be scheduled in the morning.


We feel that releasing any possible timetable at this stage will lead to confusion given our ever changing circumstances. At present we have scheduled Y13 exams to commence on Monday 11 Jan, and Y11 to begin Monday 25 Jan.


As always, we welcome feedback from both students and parents. The examinations are in the forefront of our minds as we continue to be flexible, realistic and most of all caring to all our community.


Thank you for your support

Best Regards

Ms Fagan