8 Jan 2020

Submitting Year 9 Option Choices

Dear Year 9 Parents,

I hope you all had a lovely holiday with family and friends, and had time to relax and recover from a difficult 2019 in Hong Kong. With a voice of positivity I wish you all a Happy 2020.

After our parent consultation meetings last term, you have no doubt had many conversations at home regarding subject choices for Y10/11 study.

We are now requesting that you and your son/daughter submit your options choices via ourGateway system. Please find attached:

  • Parent instructions for login and submission of options form
  • Student instructions for login and submission of options form
  • A sample copy of the options form (with reminders of choices available) for your reference

Please note, that while you have instructions for both student and parent login and submission, you are only required to submit one options form per student.

If you need assistance in accessing your SMART account, please contact scsystem@stconline.edu.hk.

Key Dates

Tuesday 14 January
Option’s form open online

Tuesday 4 February
Option’s Form Deadline for online submission

If you have any questions do not hesitate to email Ms. Fagan at kf@shatincollege.edu.hk

Best regards,

Ms. Kellie Fagan
Vice Principal



  1. For reference only GCSE option form 2020-2022
  2. IGCSE Student Option Process Parent instructions 2019-2020
  3. IGCSE Student Option Process student instructions 2019-2020