6 Aug 2018

Student Registration August 2018

Dear Parents and Guardians,

As we arrive at the end of the academic year I am writing to you about arrangements for student registration in August. Based on parent/guardian feedback about the process last year, and recognising the need to be more environmentally conscious, we have streamlined the process significantly. The requirement to submit two passport photographs has been eliminated, and with all documents that require signature now on Gateway, the amount of paper this process generates has been substantially reduced.
The intention of Registration Week is to make the start of the year efficient and smooth. We hope from a parent/guardian perspective that completing the necessary paperwork online, and making a single payment at the start of the year, is preferable to receiving a series of requests for paperwork and payments throughout the year.
Student Registration Process
  1. Log in to Gateway. Gateway will be open from 2nd August 2018 to 12th August 2018.  Please note that your Gateway user-name and password is the same for each child. We recommend that you log in as close to August 2nd as possible. If you need further assistance, please email gatewaysupport@shatincollege.edu.hk
  1. When you log in there will be a screen which directs you to review, verify and submit all personal data using the change request forms. There are four separate sections to update. These are (i) Family Information (ii) Student Additional Contact (iii) Medical Information (iv) Student Information. Please note that, even if there are no changes to be made to your child’s existing data, you must still verify that the current information is correct.
  1. For existing parents, you will be able to access Gateway with your current user-name and password. New parents will be emailed their Gateway user-name and password in the last week of July.
  1. After you have updated and verified the required information, you will need to digitally sign a set of eNotices. To do this, you will need to ‘tick’ the required fields and ‘click’ the ‘Signed by’ section at the end of each eNotice. You will not be able move on to the next eNotice until each one has been correctly completed.
  1. Registration Form must be completed for each student. For your convenience, and so that you have sufficient notice of the amount payable for your child’s year level,  I attach the Registration Forms for Years 7 to 13 to this letter. The Registration Forms will also be available on eNotice as well as on the College website.
  1. Print out and complete the relevant Registration Form for your child. Your child MUST bring the printed out Registration Form to school for Registration Week. The requested payments are to be made by cheque only and should be submitted by your child with their Registration Form. Please do not mail cheques or Registration Forms to school. See below for details of Registration dates and times.
  1. Your child must bring their personalised Octopus card with them to Registration Week. This will be used to check-out textbooks during the registration process. Year 7 form tutors will give out the pre-registered Octopus cards to Year 7 students on the first day of school.
Registration dates and times
Students will need to have their completed Registration Forms, cheques and personalised Octopus cards with them to complete the Registration process in the school hall at the following dates and times:
Year 7: Monday 13th August 2018 (9:00 am to 11:30 am according to tutor groups)
Year 8: Thursday 16th August 2018 (9:00 am to 11:30 am according to tutor groups)
Year 9: Thursday 16th August 2018 (1:10 pm to 3:10 pm according to tutor groups)
Year 10: Tuesday 14th August 2018 (9:00 am to 11:30 am according to tutor groups)
Year 11: Monday 13th August 2018 (1:10 pm to 3:10 pm according to tutor groups)
Year 12: Wednesday 15th August 2018 (9:00 am to 11:30 am according to tutor groups)
Year 13: Tuesday 14th August 2018 (1:10 pm to 3:10 pm according to tutor groups)
Individual School Photograph
Students will have their individual and class photographs taken during registration.  All students must have their photographs taken regardless of whether or not they will purchase these photographs. Individual student photographs will be uploaded onto Gateway. Class photographs will be published in Explorer, our College yearbook. Please therefore ensure that your child attends the photography session.
As always, we thank you very much for all your ongoing support. My best wishes to all students and families for a safe and relaxing summer break.
Yours sincerely,
Carol Larkin

Attachments: (please click your respective year group to view full details)