Request for school references and test hosting
Dear parents and guardians
I hope this message finds you safe and well.
The purpose of this letter is to inform you that we are receiving a considerable number of requests for school references and also requests to host tests for students who are applying to schools internationally.
Our Middle School Section Administrator, Ms Doris, manages the reference process in partnership with the relevant Head of Year. If you need a school reference for your child, the first thing to do is go to the front page of SMART. Here is a screen shot. Please complete the Google.form before you do anything else. If you are working with an agency, you will still need to complete this form.
You will understand that Heads of Year must collate information shared by subject teachers to compile references. To ensure that the final reference most accurately reflects the student, we allow three weeks for completion. Please note that we cannot expedite this process. It is also important to note that we provide a Sha Tin College reference which is as comprehensive as possible and we cannot write multiple references for students who may be applying to a number of different schools.
While we appreciate that prospective schools may request a child to sit an entrance examination, it is not possible for us to organise testing and the required supervision at Sha Tin College, given the number of students who apply to school’s outside of Hong Kong, especially given current COVID restrictions. We suggest contacting the British Council, or individual tuition centres, for help with testing arrangements.
With thanks for your cooperation and best wishes.
Christine Rowlands
Vice Principal