28 May 2024

Five Ways to Wellbeing: Parent Support Group

We are delighted to report that our new Parent Support Group has been off to a fantastic start! Over the past two months, we have held the first two sessions – one in English and one in Chinese – and the response from our parent community has been overwhelmingly positive.

The sessions provided a safe and supportive space for parents to come together, share their experiences, and learn from one another. Many parents expressed how refreshing it was to be able to openly discuss the joys and challenges of parenting, without judgment. They appreciated the opportunity to connect with other parents who understood the unique demands of raising children in an international school context.

During the discussions, parents spoke candidly about a wide range of topics – from managing children’s screen time to navigating the complexities of cross-cultural communication. There was a strong sense of camaraderie as participants offered each other advice, empathy and practical tips. Many parents shared that they left the sessions feeling energised, reassured and better equipped to tackle the day-to-day realities of parenting.

One key takeaway was the importance of continuous learning when it comes to supporting our children’s wellbeing. Several parents expressed a desire to deepen their knowledge on topics such as child development, mental health, and positive discipline. They were eager to explore new strategies and resources that could enhance their parenting skills.

The next two Parent Support Group sessions will take place on June 6th (English medium) and June 13th (Chinese medium). The sessions will be held in the STC Library on the 3rd floor. Parents are encouraged to look out for the signup details one week prior to each date, as spaces are limited.

These gatherings are a wonderful opportunity to build connections, share insights, and expand our knowledge – all in service of supporting the holistic wellbeing of our children and families. We look forward to welcoming even more parents to this growing community of learners and supporters.