23 Mar 2020

External Examinations – May/June session 2020

Dear Parents/Guardians and Students,

Given the high interest level across our community I am writing this letter to all parents/guardians and students, even though the content specifically affects our Years 11 and 13 students only.  Some of you will have received a letter this afternoon from Belinda Greer ESF CEO informing you that the IB have cancelled the IBDP exams due to be taken in May. This notification comes on the heels of the UK government last week cancelling GCSE and A Level exams. Whilst this is disappointing news it does now provide us with clarity about the examinations themselves.

All examination boards are now working to decide how best to award final grades. We expect this information from the IB this coming week. IBDP students therefore should continue to work towards the completion of their courses.

At the moment only GCSEs have been cancelled. IGCSE examinations are still anticipated to go ahead. Whilst this may change, I share with you below a list of GCSE subjects whose examinations have been cancelled.  We will work alongside all the examination boards to ensure they have all the information they need to be able to award our students a final grade.

GCSE Examinations Cancelled –  AQA Board
English Language
English Literature
Food & Nutrition
Design and Technology Engineering
Functional English
Functional Mathematics

GCSE Examinations Cancelled –  Edexcel Board
Art and Design

I know many students and parents/guardians will be disappointed and even worried about this news. For IBDP students, universities around the world will be working with schools and the IB to ensure students can move onto the next stage of their education. We have an excellent track record in this regard and there is no reason why this will not be the case for the Graduation Class of 2020. This year however it will just look different. The benefit of doing the IBDP was not just the final examinations. It has been an intellectually challenging two-year programme through which you have learned a lot. That is a fact which remains unchanged by this situation.

For our Year 11 students who have successfully completed their GCSE and IGCSE with us over the past two years, none of this is wasted work. You have grown and progressed by two years intellectually and will absolutely be able to progress into Year 12 where you will be more than well-prepared to commence the IBDP/CP.  For the purposes of completing academic transcripts the grades awarded by the various examination boards will become part of your academic transcript for university application in the future and will not cause any lingering issues.

Any parent who has any follow-up queries or questions should contact our VP Curriculum Ms. Kellie Fagan.

As further information becomes available we will share this with the relevant parents/guardians and students.

Kind regards,

Carol Larkin