28 Apr 2023

Class of 2022 Sharing – Rishika Sharda (Monash University, Australia)



What is your name?
Rishika Sharda

Where are you studying?
Monash University in Australia

What is your major?
Finance and Business Law – Major in finance helps you learn how to invest and manage money for big corporations, small businesses and governments. Alongside this we learn corporate finance, equities and investments, debt markets and fixed incomes securities, and financial modelling. Business law gives a foundational understanding of how legal systems impact business and you gain skills that help you apply relevant legal principles.

How do you describe your University?
Monash is renowned for its diverse range of innovative courses as well as the flexibility and choices you have as a student when it comes to deciding how and what you would like to learn. Monash is not only a rigorous academic institution but it is extremely rich with all the campus activities it offers on a day-to-day basis. I was looking for a university that had the perfect balance between the two and I think Monash fulfils those criteria.

What is the happiest experience in your first year?
I think one of the happiest experiences in my first year would be making friends from all over the world with different backgrounds because you get to learn about different cultures and traditions which I believe is very important because it makes you have more meaningful interactions and celebrate your differences and similarities.

What is your top tip/advice that you will give to Sha Tin College students on their Higher Education?
Start doing your research in Year 11 so you have some direction that you can follow and don’t leave things to the last minute. Your personal statement is really important so make sure yours is up to the mark and always have a second plan, just in case.