22 Aug 2024

Career Placement at The Lululemon – Scarlett Lo Y13


Throughout the summer, I had the opportunity to participate in 3 different CP projects including: Lululemon, British Consulate General, and Phillips. During each one of these projects, I worked with different students across Hong Kong who had diverse backgrounds to create a business pitch presentation. This experience involved a lot of adaptation with new skills such as: strategic thinking, problem solving, delegation, data analysis, etc. Through multiple meetings with teammates and researching, I was able to apply the knowledge from the classroom to real life working situations, which allowed me to visualize the career I want to pursue in the future. 


Amongst all the CP experiences, one of the most enjoyed experiences was the experience of Lululemon. I was able to learn directly from a supply chain director who taught me the inner logistics of the well renowned company. I discovered their strategic tailored process when creating their iconic lululemon products. Overall, I am grateful for the skills and knowledge gained throughout these experiences.