22 Aug 2024

Career placement at Disney Engineering – Kaiden LO Y12


Initially, the title “Disneyland Engineering Career Placement” sparked excitement, setting high expectations for this experience. Despite the overwhelming joy of revisiting the nostalgic amusement park cost-free, the 3-hour activities in this Disneyland tour were more or less disappointing, as they were suited for primary students, touching on core physics concepts like motion, energy, and forces that are incorporated in the theme park’s rides and attractions.


Everyone was assigned a case study in which we had to pitch a solution to an existing flaw in Disneyland. I know what you’re thinking: Does the well-renowned, multi-billion amusement park even have flaws? That’s what I struggled with finding out too. Within a week after visiting the park, we had to present a presentation as if we were pitching it to Disney. On the presentation day, fresh ideas filled the room with heated discussions following each one, and that’s when I realised that this experience had exceeded my expectations.


The purpose of this engineering experience wasn’t just to test our professional competencies and problem-solving skills, it was the opportunity to make new, like-minded, similar-passioned friends from schools all over Hong Kong – an opportunity that is extremely invaluable to me. It is hard to forget something like that.