22 Aug 2024

Career Placement at Bluebell Group – Maryam KABEER Y13


My experience working with Bluebell Group was greatly valuable and a wonderful experience from which I have taken a lot out of. Through completing this experience, I was able to gain various skills under a professional environment as well as work on my presentation, research and time management skills. 


During my time at Bluebell, I had the opportunity to take on a case study regarding a certain issue of the company. We were given a week to complete it and were to present it by the end of the week. Throughout this time, I found it useful to work with my partner and understand the research process behind a case study. Building up skills to create a visually appealing presentation as well as being able to present it clearly. 


I found this internship very meaningful as it allowed me to work under professional conditions and pushed me to work on my presentation and speaking skills as well as understand the research process behind case studies.