Senior Leadership


Carol Larkin


Vice Principals & Business and Administration Manager

Kellie Fagan
▪ Vice Principal
▪ IB Coordinator
▪ Teacher of History
Dionne Lashley
▪ Vice Principal
▪ Child Protection Officer
▪ Teacher of SW; Music
Kate Rogers
▪ Vice Principal
▪ Teacher of Science
Shwan Law
▪ Business and Administration Manager

Senior Leaders

Angus Bell-Scott
▪ Senior Leader
▪ IB MYP Coordinator
▪ Teacher of History; I&S & TOK
Harry Bradley-Barnard
▪ Senior Leader
▪ Head of Middle School (Y7 – Y9)
▪ Teacher of Business Studies; Economics
Jane Parry
▪ Senior Leader
▪ Head of Senior School (Y10 – Y13)
▪ Teacher of PE; GTS; Dance
Matt Wisbey
▪ Senior Leader – Learning Technologies and Systems
▪ Teacher of English & TOK