
Throughout the year our students are assessed in a wide range of ways in all of their subjects. Some
of this is formal assessment but a lot of it is informal assessment of discussion and observation of the
students at work. Students receive frequent feedback from teachers, both orally and in written form
on their work. Parents are encouraged to look at the feedback from teachers as often as possible
and to use the diary as a regular two-way communication between home and school.

Departments maintain their own ARR procedures, within the framework of the school policy, and
each student’s progress is centrally recorded and tracked. Information is conveyed to parents and
students at various times of the year, depending upon the year group and subject.

From November 2010 we have introduced a new online reporting system. Subjects report on topics
or pieces of work, soon after students have completed them and provide formative feedback which
should help guide students. The achievements are reported back online, often through rubrics, which
provide a basis for further student–teacher–parent discussion. A combination of online reports and
Parents’ Consultation Evenings are used to ensure parents receive regular updates about their child’s
progress. Direct personal communication is also available by appointment.
Information for Parents