1 Jun 2022

HE FUN Facts Poster Competition 2022


Research is the key to Higher Education (HE) planning.  People may think that HE research is a boring task.  It is not!  It can be fun!  Last month, we invited our Years 9 – 12 students to enter a HE FUN Facts Poster Competition in order to share their happy HE findings in a creative way. We have been particularly impressed with all the submissions but Royden So (10X2) and Jasmin Sin (12G2) will receive prizes due to their exceptional designs and research undertaken.

Royden  Jasmin

Best Design – Royden So 10X2

Royden SO - HE Fun Facts Poster Design

Royden’s poster is very eye-catching. It is not a commercial poster but it tells us about one of the interesting Japanese student’s habits during the examination period. The question on the top of the poster prompts the audience to find the answer. The layout and colour used are impressive.

Best Research Findings – Jasmin Sin 12G2

From Jasmin’s Meme poster, we can learn about an interesting automotive design project, which is a Formula 3 racing car made by the University of Warwick’s researchers. However, this is the first F3 racing car made from sustainable and renewable materials. It uses plant-oil-based lubricants and a biodiesel engine capable of running on chocolate and vegetable oil. Jasmin’s findings help everyone understand more about the University of Warwick from a different perspective.

Jasmin SIN - HE Fun Facts Poster Design