20 Nov 2019

‘Frankenstein’ – Starting Time Revised

Dear Parents/Guardians and Students,

As you are aware the latest whole school production by Sha Tin College is Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. In light of recent disruptions in Hong Kong we have decided to change the starting time of the production. The originally advertised time was 7pm and we will now be moving that to 5.30pm.

Frankenstein is coming to Sha Tin College on the 4th and 5th December in the main hall. Tickets can be purchased at $80 per adult and $50 per student. If you would like to buy tickets then please fill in the attached slip below and return it during break time (10.50am – 11.15am) and lunchtime (12.20pm – 1.10pm). Tickets can be purchased by Octopus from the Resource Centre.

If you have any further queries then please don’t hesitate to contact us and, on behalf of the team, we look forward to seeing you at Frankenstein very soon!

Yours faithfully,

Neil Harris                                              Jane Parry
Head of Drama                                       Senior Leader


Ticket Slip