22 Mar 2019

Year 11 Final Day Arrangement

Dear Parents and Guardians of Year 11 Students,

As the final school day for Year 11 approaches, Thursday 4th April, there are a few details we would like to draw your attention to.

Traditionally, students write messages on their school shirt on the last day, so it is advised they bring a spare shirt. Students will attend normal lessons periods 1 and 2. They are to leave period 2 however, 15 minutes earlier. At 11 am, they will have a farewell assembly in the hall which provides an opportunity to say goodbye to students leaving the community and to thank their form tutors for their support. At the end of the assembly students will be dismissed and asked to leave the premises by 12:30 pm, this will give students plenty of time to prepare for the prom that same evening. The prom will start at 6pm at the Hotel ICON in Tsim Sha Tsui and finish at 10:30pm. Students have been reminded that our expectation of their behavior is that of any school event.

Please note that for the week of Monday April 8th and from Thursday May 2nd to Friday May 3rd teachers will be available during Year 11 timetabled lesson time to provide any revision guidance, help or advice. If students wish to come in to school to meet with their teachers during this time, they will need to sign in at reception as well as swipe in with their Octopus cards. A letter has been sent about protocol during exams by Ms Wan and Mr Imeson.

For independent study students can use the SSC and a limited number of quiet rooms will be provided for silent study. If students wish to chat, they can go to the cafeteria but must be mindful that the rest of the school is working so they cannot disrupt classes. Unfortunately, they will not be able to use the library as there may be scheduled lessons taking place. Whilst in school, students are not to play on the basketball courts as this disrupts surrounding classes.

If your child has any clean uniforms in good condition that are no longer needed, we ask that they are handed in to the Senior School Office to be passed on to the PTSA.

The students have worked very hard over the last two years for their GCSE examinations. We wish them all every success with their final revision and the examinations.

Yours faithfully,

Mr Mo Devlin                Ms Rachael Pegg

Head of Year 11            Deputy Head of Year 11