24 Aug 2017

CAS Activities at Sha Tin College

Dear Parents and Guardians,
CAS Activities at Sha Tin College
For this term, the activity sign up will take place on Friday 25th August from 5pm and the activities will begin from Monday 28th August onwards.  Activities can be viewed on Smart from Thursday 24th August onwards.
The activity sign up will take place via Smart.  Students have been reminded on how to access the new system via email and have a short ‘How to’ video if they are still unsure.  The basic instructions for you child are below-
1. Log in to Smart
2. Click on your name (where is says ‘Good Afternoon….’)
3. Click on the pencil underneath ‘Activities’
4. You will see a list of activities and their information.  Click the box on the right-hand side to sign up.
When your child signs up for an Activity, you will receive a notification email, requesting that you agree to your child’s participation.  You have seven days to click the link giving your consent to their involvement.
As always we would like all of our students to join in with activities at Sha Tin College.  Our expectation is that once a student has chosen an activity they be fully committed to that activity and attend on a regular basis. We would be grateful if parents could help the students to make sensible and informed choices about the activities that they sign up for.  There are many options to choose from, some are continuing from last year and some are completely new, but we are confident that all students can find something that they enjoy.
If you have any problems contact Mrs. Parry via email parryj1@stconline.edu.hk
Ms. Carol Larkin                                  Mrs. Jane Parry
Principal                                              Senior Leader