14 Mar 2017

Year 7 Arts Festival

Dear Parents and Guardians,

This is a follow up letter to remind you about the Year 7 performance which is part of the STC Annual Arts Festival on Thursday 23rd March. All students in Year 7 are expected to participate. Students are required to meet in the Hall at 7.00pm and should be in their school uniform. The Year 7 students are not permitted to remain at school between 3.20 and 7.00pm;  they will need to return home first. Please complete the reply slip which indicates how your child will travel home after the concert and return this via your son/daughter to Ms Lia Ali in the Lower School Office by Friday 17th March.

The performance will begin at 7.30pm. Tickets are available through the White House.  They are $50,  which includes a pass for all Arts events that week. Alternatively, it is $30 if you would prefer to just attend the concert at 7.30pm on Thursday March 23. Tickets can be purchased by Octopus.

For other events scheduled for the Arts Festivals please see this link:


Sha Tin College Arts Festival March 21, 22, 23 March 2017


This is a fantastic opportunity for our Year 7 students to perform in front of an audience.  We hope to see many of you there.

Warm wishes

Noah Nicholson

Head of Music




Name of Year 7 student:                                                                    Tutor group:


Please tick one of the following options.


______I will collect my son/daughter from Sha Tin College at 8.10pm.


______I give permission for my son/daughter to make their own way home from the concert.


Please provide us with a name and phone number to call in case of an emergency:


Name of Parent/Guardian___________________________




Emergency phone number __________________________