3 Nov 2017

Year 11 Parents Consultation and One to One discussions

Dear Parents and Guardians,
Year 11 Parents Consultation and One to One discussions
We are writing to inform you about the next steps that we are taking in the process of Post 16 Options for your child.
Next Wednesday 8th November from 4.00pm until 6.30pm is the Year 11 Parent Consultation evening. At this session, you will have the opportunity to speak to your child’s individual subjects teachers to discuss their current progress and suitability for subjects next year. The Gateway platform is now open for you to make appointments and will close Monday 6th November at noon. We would strongly recommend that students attend these appointments with their parents or guardians.
The following week from Monday 13th November, every year 11 student will have a one to one appointment with their form tutor in order to discuss their possible Post 16 Options. This will also be an opportunity for tutors to talk to students about their general wellbeing and any academic concerns they might have. In preparation for this discussion, the students will complete a survey that will be shared with them next week.
On Monday 13th November, the Gateway platform will be open for options to be entered on the school system. Later in the week on Wednesday 15th November, there will be a Q and A session in the Library from 7.30am – 8.00am if you have any further questions. Please note that the deadline for all subject choices is 28th November.
Finally, we would encourage you to read through the Year 12 and 13 curriculum brochure with your child and discuss the best options for them to follow next year.
If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Yours faithfully,
Mary Paciello                                       Lau-Cuong Ta
Head of Year 11                                   Deputy Head of Year 11