6 Feb 2017

PTSA Update on STC Changes to the ARR Policy

Dear Parents,

Last school term, Paul Hoang (Vice Principal, Senior School) met with the PTSA Committee to go through the rationale for recent changes to the ARR Policy at Sha Tin College. Parents were able to seek clarification and voice their concerns.

A summary of the discussion and guidance to parents has been uploaded to the STC PTSA website for your reference.


Summary of PTSA Update on STC Changes to the ARR Policy

ARR (Assessment, Recording & Reporting) Policy was reviewed in 2014/2015 by a Focus Group consisting of teaching staff in consultation with ESF personnel and the SLT. Their recommendations were implemented in 2015/2016 and revolved around 3 areas – the Assessment Policy, Home Learning Policy, and Academic Honesty Policy. The Assessment Policy was found to satisfy the requirements of the IBO (International Baccalaureate Organization) and CIS (Council of International Schools).
Rationale for not having End-of-Year Reports

For many years, teaching staff spent the last 5 weeks of the academic year writing and reviewing an average of 2,692 reports rather than focusing on teaching and learning activities.
It appeared that less than 54% of parents signed into Gateway to check the end-of-year reports.
The move to live-reporting rather than end of year summative reports will allow parents to be updated on students’ performance in real-time so that immediate action can be taken if there are any performance issues.
Island School dropped their end of year reports over 7 years ago and they have not seen results drop but improve. Renaissance College and West Island School use a very similar ARR model to STC’s. Discovery College are going through their own ARR Review and will be using aspects of STC’s ARR policy to refine their own policy.
Moving Forward

Y7 – 9 MYP Assessment Models to be investigated in 2016/2017.
Y10 – 12 will continue to have summative reports for end of year exams.
Y11 – 13 will continue to have summative reports for mock exams.
Live reporting for all Year groups on a termly basis with printable PDF reports on Gateway.
Attendance and punctuality will be added to the end of term summary reports.
Comprehensive performance reports for transitioning and scholarship students will continue to be administered by Heads of School, Heads of Year and Section Administrators.
Formal reports for Higher Education are overseen by the Head of Higher Education & Careers.
Guidance to Parents

Do check the ARR e-Alert Updates and have regular conversations with students during the school year so that early interventions can occur if required.
There are various methods of tracking students’ performance, such as the Evidencer software for Lower School students to share their accomplishments with teachers and parents. The Home Learning App is a useful tool for parents to monitor performance and tasks students have been set so as to better support them.
Parents’ Consultations continue to be a valuable channel of communication between parents and teachers to discuss students’ performance.
Parents are welcome to request individual updates from teachers if necessary. As always, appointments can be made to see teachers with some advance warning.
Parents should encourage students to take ownership of their academic learning and performance, and be proactive about seeking feedback and support.
For further questions or feedback on the ARR, please feel free to contact Paul Hoang, Vice Principal (ph@shatincollege.edu.hk).
PTSA Recommendations to the School

STC should continue to monitor the quality of live reporting to ensure teachers are indeed providing regular and meaningful updates – Paul Hoang re-assured us that there will be ongoing quality assurance.
It would be helpful for parents to have more timely updates and be included in discussions if there are future changes in policy that impact students’ education.
Have students’ extra-curricular activities at school also recorded in Gateway – there appears to be a new ‘Activities’ section which lists out the CAS activities that students sign up for.

Best Regards,

Stephanie Choy